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From Squatchopedia 2.0
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- (Analyst) Bill Green
- (Analyst) Bill Munns
- (Archivist) Chris Murphy
- (Archivist) Daniel Perez
- (Archivist) David Paulides
- (Archivist) Henry May
- (Archivist) Todd Prescott
- (Article) Spiritual Hucksterism
- (Article) The Gospel of Bigfoot
- (Artist) Rick Crane & Dogman Suit
- (Audio) 1994 Ohio Howl
- (Audio) 2004 Mississippi Howl
- (Audio) Crying Baby
- (Audio) Eastern Whoop
- (Audio) In the Shadows with Bullet Maker
- (Audio) New Mexico Scream
- (Audio) Northwest 911 Call
- (Audio) Pollock Pines
- (Audio) Samurai Chatter
- (Audio) Sherburne Scream
- (Audio) Sierra Sounds
- (Audio) Tahoe Howl
- (Audio) Tahoe Scream
- (Audio) Tennessee Scream
- (Audio) Texas Howl
- (Audio) The Estacada Sounds
- (Audio) The Klamath Sounds
- (Audio) The Puyallup Screamer
- (Audio) The Snohomish Sounds
- (Audio) Washington Call
- (Audio) Whoops
- (Audio) Wood knocking
- (Audiobook) Bigfoot The Ultimate Adventure
- (Audiobook) The Bigfoot Pocket Field Manual
- (Author) Greg Long
- (Author) Jeffery Wells
- (Author) Loren Coleman
- (Blog) The Search for Bigfoot
- (Book) Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America
- (Book) Fifty Years With Bigfoot
- (Book) Laughsquatch
- (Book) Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us
- (Book) Strange Howls
- (Book) The Hoopa Project
- (Book) The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story
- (Book) Tribal Bigfoot
- (Book) Where Bigfoot Walks
- (Brochure) Bigfoot Height Comparison Graphic
- (Brochure) Honobia Bigfoot Conference 2009 Flyer
- (Brochure) MABRC Sighting Report Brochure
- (Brochure) North American Cryptids
- (Brochure) Sasquatch Weight Estimator
- (Brochure) Skeletal Figures Lineup Graphic
- (Cast) 1950s Kokanee Bigfoot cast
- (Cast) 1951(?) Yeti No.2 footprint cast
- (Cast) 1951 Yeti footprint cast
- (Cast) 1957 Tom Slick Bigfoot Cast
- (Cast) 1961 Peter Byrne Bigfoot cast
- (Cast) 1963 Hyampom Bigfoot casts
- (Cast) 1963 Laird Meadow road Bigfoot cast
- (Cast) 1964 Patterson - Laird Meadow
- (Cast) 1967 Hodgson Bigfoot cast
- (Cast) 1967 Onion Mountain (Blue Creek) John Green Bigfoot cast
- (Cast) 1967 Patterson "Patty" Cast
- (Cast) 1967 Patterson / Titmus cast
- (Cast) 1967 Patterson Bigfoot cast
- (Cast) 1967 Titmus Bluff Creek Cast
- (Cast) 1970s Marx Bigfoot-Sasquatch Handprint 1
- (Cast) 1974 Honey Island Swamp Monster Track Cast
- (Cast) 1976? Yowie Australian Footprint track cast
- (Cast) 1980 cast from Stillaguamish River
- (Cast) 1982 Grays Harbor Hereford Bigfoot Cast
- (Cast) 1982 Knuckle print cast
- (Cast) 1982 Umatilla Elk Wallow Paul Freeman Dermals Bigfoot Cast
- (Cast) 1984 Paul Freeman's "Wrinkle Foot" cast
- (Cast) 1991 Oil City, PA. Bigfoot Footprint cast
- (Cast) 1994 Freeman Bigfoot handprint cast
- (Cast) 1995 Rawley Springs, Virginia Bigfoot cast
- (Cast) 1996 Bigfoot half track (Paul Freeman and Jeff Meldrum)
- (Cast) 1996 Mill Creek Bigfoot print cast
- (Cast) 19xx Alma Footprint track cast from Russia
- (Cast) 2001 Keuterville, Idaho Bigfoot Cast
- (Cast) 2003 Bayou Bigfoot Sabine River, Texas Bigfoot print cast
- (Cast) 2013 Orang Pendek footprint cast replica
- (Cast) 2015 Stomping Ground Bigfoot Foot cast
- (Cast) 2017 Bigfoot Nutella cast
- (Cast) 2019 North Carolina Bigfoot print cast
- (Cast) Bluff Creek, California 1960 Sasquatch Footprint
- (Cast) Clover Mountain Tracks
- (Cast) Cripple Foot
- (Cast) Cripplefoot Casts
- (Cast) Freeman Knuckle Print
- (Cast) Ivan Marx Handprint
- (Cast) Laurel Highland Mountains Juvenile Bigfoot Cast
- (Cast) MABRC Oklahoma Hand and knuckle prints
- (Cast) Yosemite National Park 2008 Bigfoot cast
- (Commercial) Messing With Sasquatch
- (Conference) International Bigfoot Symposium
- (Conference) Oklahoma Bigfoot Symposium
- (Conference) Texas Bigfoot Conference
- (Costume) Howls, the movie Bigfoot costume
- (Document) Bigfoot in the Backyard - Charles Hallmark
- (Document) John Green's Witness Interview Form
- (Document) John Green Sighting Database
- (Document) MABRC Sighting Report Form
- (Document) Six Rules of Bigfoot Research
- (Document) The Munns Report
- (Facebook) Bigfoot Hoaxers Exposed 2.0
- (Group) AIBR
- (Group) American Bigfoot Society
- (Group) BFRO
- (Group) BFRP
- (Group) BFRPKY
- (Group) Bay Area Group
- (Group) Bluff Creek Project
- (Group) British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club
- (Group) Green Country Bigfoot Research Center
- (Group) Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization
- (Group) International Bigfoot Society
- (Group) International Society of Cryptozoology
- (Group) Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center
- (Group) Mid-Florida Bigfoot Research Group
- (Group) North America Bigfoot Search
- (Group) North America Science Institute
- (Group) North American Ape Project
- (Group) North American Wood Ape Conservancy
- (Group) North East Sasquatch Researchers Association
- (Group) Olympic Project Bigfoot Research
- (Group) Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society
- (Group) SasquatchWatch
- (Group) Sasquatch Investigations of Mid-America
- (Group) Sasquatch Research Initiative
- (Group) TexLa Cryptozoological Research
- (Group) Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy
- (Group) United Bigfoot Research Group
- (Group) Western Bigfoot Society
- (HIstoric) Stacy Brown Sr.
- (HIstoric) The Hairy Man Petrogylphs
- (Historic) 1975 Corps of Army Engineers - Environmental Atlas of Washington
- (Historic) Abominable Chicken Man of El Reno, Oklahoma
- (Historic) Al Berry
- (Historic) Al DeAtley
- (Historic) Alan "AlanF" Fisher
- (Historic) Alan Landsburg
- (Historic) Albert Hodgson
- (Historic) Albert Ostman
- (Historic) Alexandr Fedenyow
- (Historic) Alexandra Burtseva,
- (Historic) Andrew Genzoli
- (Historic) Angeles National Forest, So Cal - March 1973
- (Historic) Archie Buckley
- (Historic) Art Bell
- (Historic) B. Ann Slate
- (Historic) Barbara Wasson
- (Historic) Barry Blount
- (Historic) Barry Woodard
- (Historic) Bauman Story
- (Historic) Bernard Heuvelmans
- (Historic) Betty Allen
- (Historic) Bigfoot Trap
- (Historic) Bill "Hunter" Becquart
- (Historic) Bill Dranginis
- (Historic) Bill Laughery
- (Historic) Bill Miller
- (Historic) Bob Gimlin
- (Historic) Bob Heironimus
- (Historic) Bob Titmus
- (Historic) Bob Warth
- (Historic) Bobbie Short
- (Historic) Boris Porshnev
- (Historic) Charles DeVore
- (Historic) Charles Flood
- (Historic) Charles Hallmark
- (Historic) Charles W. Edson
- (Historic) Chester Wynn Moore, Sr.
- (Historic) Claudia Ackley
- (Historic) Cliff Crook
- (Historic) Cliff Olson
- (Historic) Craig Sulk
- (Historic) Dallas Gilbert
- (Historic) Dan "SquatchCommando” Buchanan
- (Historic) Dan Gordon
- (Historic) Dan Renaud
- (Historic) Danielle Auclair
- (Historic) Daris Swindler
- (Historic) Dave Hilts
- (Historic) David Dragosin
- (Historic) David Wright
- (Historic) De Loys' Ape
- (Historic) Debbie Martyr
- (Historic) Dennis Jensen
- (Historic) Dmitri Bayanov
- (Historic) Dmitri Donskoy
- (Historic) Don Abbott
- (Historic) Don Hunter
- (Historic) Don Keating
- (Historic) Doug "Bullet Maker" Bilby
- (Historic) Dr. Daris Swindler
- (Historic) Dr. David C. Oren
- (Historic) Dr. M. Lloyd Sipe
- (Historic) Dr. Thomas Scott Ruh
- (Historic) Dzunukwa (Tsonokwa)
- (Historic) Ed Patrick
- (Historic) Elkanah Walker
- (Historic) First Nations Bigfoot Names
- (Historic) Fouke Monster
- (Historic) Frank Cali
- (Historic) Fred Beck
- (Historic) Gaines Neal Elms
- (Historic) Gary Ray Pinson
- (Historic) Gary S. Mangiacopra
- (Historic) George Lutz
- (Historic) Gerry Bacon
- (Historic) Glenn Thomas
- (Historic) Gordon R. Strasenburgh Jr.
- (Historic) Grover Krantz
- (Historic) Grover Krantz Letter to John Green 12-30-1993
- (Historic) Hami-Koskimo
- (Historic) Hawk Spearman
- (Historic) Henry Franzoni
- (Historic) Homer Tate
- (Historic) Idona Dutton
- (Historic) Ivan T. Sanderson
- (Historic) J.W. Burns
- (Historic) Jacko
- (Historic) Jaime Mendoza-Nava
- (Historic) Jared Hosack
- (Historic) Jay Rowland
- (Historic) Jean-Paul Debenat
- (Historic) Jeff Glickman
- (Historic) Jerry Coleman
- (Historic) Jerry Crew
- (Historic) Jim McClarin
- (Historic) Jim Powell
- (Historic) Jimmy Chilcutt
- (Historic) Joedy Cook FOIA Request to FBI
- (Historic) John Bindernagel
- (Historic) John Chambers
- (Historic) John Green
- (Historic) John Tomikel
- (Historic) Johnny Lee Hayes
- (Historic) Jon-Erik Beckjord
- (Historic) Joseph Stefano
- (Historic) Joyce Kearney
- (Historic) Kenny Young
- (Historic) Khwit
- (Historic) Larry Battson
- (Historic) Laurelyn Fanshier
- (Historic) LeRoy Fish
- (Historic) Leroy Blevins Sr
- (Historic) Letter from Rene Dahinden to Warren Thompson
- (Historic) Linda Coil Suchy
- (Historic) Lyle Laverty
- (Historic) Magi Titmus letter to John Green 7-11-1960
- (Historic) Marie-Jeanne Koffmann
- (Historic) Mark A. Hall
- (Historic) Mark Bayless
- (Historic) Mark Chorvinsky
- (Historic) Mary Green
- (Historic) Michael Meraz
- (Historic) Michael Newton
- (Historic) Michael Trachtengerts
- (Historic) Mike Wooley
- (Historic) Minnesota Iceman
- (Historic) Mitchell Waite
- (Historic) Muchalat Harry
- (Historic) Myakka Ape
- (Historic) N. A. Tombazi
- (Historic) Nazis & The Search for Yeti
- (Historic) Oliver the Chimpanzee
- (Historic) Oregon Bigfoot Trap
- (Historic) Owen Pate
- (Historic) Pacific Northwest Bigfoot Expedition
- (Historic) Patricia Keech
- (Historic) Patricia Patterson
- (Historic) Paul Du Chaillu
- (Historic) Paul Freeman
- (Historic) Paul LeBlond
- (Historic) Paul R. Gosselin
- (Historic) Paul Vella
- (Historic) Peter Byrne
- (Historic) Peter Byrnes brief notes on general findings about California Bigfoot
- (Historic) Peter Matthiessen
- (Historic) Philip Shaw,
- (Historic) Philip Spencer
- (Historic) Pre-Ape Canyon
- (Historic) Rama and Sita
- (Historic) Randy "Slingbow" Edwards
- (Historic) Ray Crowe
- (Historic) Rebecca Begin
- (Historic) René Dahinden
- (Historic) Rex Gilroy
- (Historic) Richard Greenwell
- (Historic) Richard Henry
- (Historic) Richard Stubstad
- (Historic) Rick Berry
- (Historic) Rip Lyttle
- (Historic) Rob Riggs
- (Historic) Robert Dodson
- (Historic) Robert Pyle
- (Historic) Robert W Morgan
- (Historic) Roderick Sprague
- (Historic) Roger Knights
- (Historic) Roger Patterson
- (Historic) Roy "Bushman" McClish
- (Historic) Ruby Creek Incident
- (Historic) Rudy Breuning
- (Historic) Sallie Ann Clarke
- (Historic) Sam Sherry
- (Historic) Samuel "Frogman" Barger
- (Historic) Samuel “Rufus” Ray
- (Historic) Scott Carpenter
- (Historic) Scott Maily
- (Historic) Scott Marlowe
- (Historic) Scott McClean
- (Historic) Scott Schubbe
- (Historic) Sir Edmund Hillary
- (Historic) Skookum Cast
- (Historic) Smokey Crabtree
- (Historic) Steve Kiley
- (Historic) Steve Lindsey
- (Historic) Steve Pickett
- (Historic) Tal H. Branco
- (Historic) Tanya Knight
- (Historic) Tenzing Norgay
- (Historic) Teresa Hall
- (Historic) The Bigfoot Research Project Headquarters
- (Historic) The Jerry Coleman Investigation of the Carter Farm
- (Historic) The Minnesota Iceman
- (Historic) The Ultimate Georgia Bigfoot Hoax Timeline
- (Historic) Theo Stein
- (Historic) Tim Cullen
- (Historic) Tim Fasano
- (Historic) Tim Olson
- (Historic) Todd Clark
- (Historic) Tom Page
- (Historic) Tom Shirley
- (Historic) Tom Slick
- (Historic) U.S. Embassy Dispatch about Yeti (1959)
- (Historic) Val Guest
- (Historic) Vance Orchard
- (Historic) Vladimir Markotic
- (Historic) Wally Hersom